pigeons from hell

July 08, 2013

This was my afternoon reading.
A modern take on Robert E. Howard's classic tale of dark revenge.
And all out bat-shit crazy.
Sorry, 'pigeon-shit crazy'

I can't say i was overly fond of the illustrative style but that's graphic novels for you.
Very hit and miss.
The front cover is something to be salivated over, however.
And you can never go wrong with a bit of deep south voodoo on a fine summer's day.

'"Pigeons From Hell" continues to thrill and chill despite the now-quaint sounding title because those Gothic themes that Howard tapped into never really went away. The old houses, the swamps, the sense of age...it's all still out there, and you need only drive through one good "dead zone" late at night, where there's no cell-phone activity, no street lights, no nothing except rows of trees and two lanes of blacktop, to really start feeling that sense of dread...no, those old stories never really die.'

- Mark Finn

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