
May 20, 2013

The plot of The Last Exorcism in short:

Demonic possession isn't real.
This girl doesn't need an exorcism, she needs a cuddle!
Oh, wait. Might've spoken too soon.
Are people's spines meant to bend like that?
False alarm. She's just a melodramatic, teenage sinner.
It's cuddle time!
Holy fuck. She just gave birth to an evil jelly bean.

The End.

And they've made a sequel.
Damn, Bear Jew.
Make some better movies, this is getting embarrassing.
I have a face of shame right now.
There's a 99.9% certainty i'll watch it when it eventually airs on Freeview. 
For shame.

Sarah said...

Have. Might HAVE spoken too soon. Not might OF. Might HAVE. HAAAAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVE. Louise Boyd, you have made my most hated grammatical mistake and for that I must disown you.

You have one chance to save yourself. Use your greatest power.

Make me tea.

Louise Boyd said...

Hello Grammar Nazi, how've you been?

I'll fix it. Keep your knickers on and you make me tea dammit!

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