
December 07, 2008

The forecast predicts no snow this week coming.

" night after supper, Dub turned up a snowshoe rabbit, blundered it, and missed. In a second the whole team was in full cry. A hundred yards away was a camp of the Northwest Police, with fifty dogs, huskies all, who joined the chase. The rabbit sped down the river, turned off into a small creek, up the frozen bed of which it held steadily. It ran lightly on the surface of the snow, while the dogs plowed through by main strength. Buck led the pack, sixty strong, around bend after bend, but he could not gain. He lay down low to the race, whining eagerly, his splendid body flashing forward leap by leap, in the wan white moonlight. And leap by leap, like some pale frost wraith, the snowshoe rabbit flashed on ahead."

- 'Call of the Wild'
Jack London

- Paul Hastings said...

Noticed that you wrote something about "The Sultan's Elephant" not too long ago. I just posted about it myself here. Thought you might want to take a look.

Louise Boyd said...

Pretty outstanding isn't it?

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