
September 13, 2008

I do believe i have found a new favourite thing and that is the delivery of books. Books i want and need to further my fictitious knowledge.
These are the lovely three that the postie who thinks i have an online ordering problem delivered this morning. It caused a happy feeling, a happier feeling than when i get the usual cds/dvds/clothes - i really do have an online ordering problem. Bless the 21st birthday present receiving.
Anyway, book receiving. I like. I like book stores more but those old dark and dusty ones that are so lacking in Scotland.

Speaking of deliveries, i got The Company of Wolves in the post also. It's just as camp and pretty as i remember. If i was allowed loose on a film set, that's the kind i would do. All dark and tangled. Second to Labyrinth, oh and Pan's Labyrinth. Anything that involves fantasy and trees really.

kings of leon - sex on fire

Unknown said...

Are you busy today? I thought we might hang out for a bit. Contact me at my deviantart - animaskylit - if you're interested in catching up.

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