
August 23, 2008

Finally! Something of mine to upload! And it sucks. 
A part of my final piece of 2nd year...not a fully formed idea at all and i'm not happy with it but at times i find it sort of pretty.

I've been photographing other work and i should filter those through the days, see how long i can make them last. About two minutes. Why does my head have to be so full i can't draw anything?!
I'd like to be dumb, i really would.
I could draw pretty pictures and be perfectly content.
I have been having ideas though, mostly about what i was talking about in a previous entry, old houses, history and the dead and such.
It does actually make sense but perhaps only in my head...and i like that.
Bedlam has also come back into play but i'm not sure, it's a whole different tangent to do with how the disturbed view death and i'm also looking into a child's outlook, due to my fairly childish attitude towards shuffling off this mortal coil. In essence, i don't see why i bloody well have to.
See. Cluttered brain.

Weetabix chocolate minis are my new favourite cereal. I feel sick though. Whole bowls are not doable!

A fun fact: The pathway beside my house is called Coffin Way. It's one of the routes people took to get to church. If a funeral was taking place, a procession would come through the path carrying the deceased. Morbid but fascinating. It's kind of amazing that beside my house is one of the last places someone would be taken through, it was part of tradition and i like tradition.

the blue nile - tinseltown in the rain
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